Cat's food

Category: Animals Archive

Getting to know the cat

The domestic cat belongs to the Felidae family. It is an animal with great agility, its body is agile and fast, its head is small and rounded, its tail is long. The physical characteristics differ depending on the breed, especially the color of the coat and its length. The cat's eyes are very sharp and penetrating. In the dark the pupil can dilate greatly, and this allows him to see very well even in darkness. Females can reproduce already after one year of life, gestation lasts two months, and generally 3 to 5 cats are born. The best-known domestic cat breeds are: the Angora cat (famous for its beautiful gray fur), the Persian, the Siamese cat, the Chartreux cat, the Tabby and the Abyssinian cat. The cat is a carnivorous animal, but eats a bit of everything. You may catch him more than once tearing up blades of grass to eat. As with dogs, grass helps aid digestion. He loves cleanliness, in fact he washes himself very often. He cleans his fur with his tongue, tearing away everything he considers foreign. It also cools itself with saliva. Depending on the breed, it can be more or less lazy, or on the contrary dynamic and lively. Being a feline, the cat is a skilled hunter. Its hearing is very sensitive, and with its claws it can easily capture any prey. For him, the mustache is like antennas that help him orient himself. Another peculiarity of the cat is that it always knows how to fall. When it falls backwards it straightens itself immediately, and from a great height it can land without any problem on all fours. It has a very particular character. He is reserved, doesn't like confusion too much, and generally doesn't trust people right away. But when he wants, he can also be a great cuddler, and it's wonderful to hear him purring while sitting in your arms.

How to feed your cat

Cat nutrition must take into account a series of factors, the most important of which is certainly the age of the animal. Furthermore, the daily food requirement also varies depending on the breed of the cat and its eating habits. As regards nutrition, it is not a good idea to rely on "hearsay" or word of mouth, but it is important to know your cat in depth, to be able to choose the most suitable food for its growth. Many people decide to prepare the food to give to their cat themselves at home. By doing this you are certainly more sure of the quality of the meal, but there may be other inconveniences. For example, the preparation time can be more or less long, and is not ideal for those who are always in a hurry; the cost of the individual ingredients could weigh on the budget in the long run (especially if there are more than one cats), and then the food prepared in this way risks not containing all the nutritional principles needed for the cat's healthy growth. The cat is a carnivorous animal, but the proteins it needs to grow strong and healthy can also come from fish, cheese and eggs. The liver is also fine, but you must not exceed in quantity, otherwise you risk diarrhea or, in more serious cases, "hypervitaminosis". Always remember to check your cat's tolerability of certain foods, because what is good for some could prove harmful for others. Milk is a food that can be administered after weaning, but in some cases it causes diarrhea because it is not always digested in the best way. Dairy products and yogurt are valid alternatives to meat for protein intake. Sweets should be absolutely avoided, while ice cream can be enjoyed in small doses.

Foods to avoid

There are some foods that are harmful and, if ingested by your cat, can cause serious problems. For example, fish bones and bones can splinter and cause injury to the intestine, stomach or esophagus. Another mistake that is usually made is considering the cat as a person, and therefore thinking that it can eat our meals without any problem. But this is absolutely not the case: feeding our cats our packaged foods can really hurt them, as can foods that are too salty and spicy, legumes and mature cheeses. Meat is generally not enough to provide all the proteins you need. It is therefore advisable to supplement the diet with fats, fibers and sugars. Mineral and vitamin supplements must be recommended and prescribed by the vet, after a thorough examination of the cat. They cannot be administered arbitrarily, because they could cause imbalances in the body. If the cat is fed a balanced diet and appears energetic and healthy, there is no need to resort to supplements. Fats (which are useful for their metabolism) should never be missing from your cat's diet, while you can easily do without carbohydrates. The essential vitamins for the healthy growth of the cat are: group B vitamins, vitamin A (excellent for the skin and eyes), vitamin D, vitamin K and vitamin E. Vitamin C, on the other hand, has no need to be integrated, given that the cats themselves produce it themselves. Fat of animal origin (hence butter and derivatives) serves to make the cat's fur healthier and shinier. Some more advice: do not give the cat tap water, because the chlorine could have an irritating effect on the nose, which is very sensitive; Furthermore, raw egg white is not good for cats.

Wet and dry food

Wet foods contain the nutritional principles that cats need to grow healthily. They have the advantage of being inexpensive and are prepared respecting the health and hygiene rules underlying animal nutrition. Furthermore, wet cat foods are easy to prepare, because they are packaged in practical cans. Cats are fond of this type of food, especially pâté. The latter, which looks like pressed meat, must be shredded with a fork inside the bowl before being served. Wet foods are more digestible than others, but it is still advisable to respect the daily quantity of food prescribed on the package. After the product has been opened, do not leave it in the open air, but keep it in the fridge, so that it does not deteriorate. The morsels, however, can be poured into the bowl without being chopped. Another tip regarding the hygiene of the cat (which, among other things, is a very clean animal), is to wash the bowl often, eliminating food residues which could be the cause of the proliferation of bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms. Dried foods do not spoil easily, so once poured into the bowl they can remain there for an entire day. They are ideal foods for cats, used to eating several times during the day. Unlike wet food, dry kibble does not have a very strong odor. Some believe that these are unhealthy for cats, because they cause urinary tract problems (such as stones and cystitis). But this assumption turned out to be false, as a type of good quality dry food should prevent urinary problems, just as much as a wet food. If you switch from wet to dry foods, let your cat slowly get used to the change. In the first two weeks, mix the two foods so that the cat tastes the new one, without completely abandoning the old one. Cats, as we know, are rather creatures of habit (even in the choice of food).

Cat food brands

Whether the cat prefers dry foods to wet ones or vice versa, it is important to vary the diet often. There are several companies specialized in the production of cat food, which are very reliable and safe. We point out some of them, with reference to some products in particular that have already been tested. "Kit kat" by Friskies is a healthy food for adult cats. The beef pâté and minced meat porridge is particularly tasty, and the smell is also quite pleasant. Also from the same brand there is also the "Piccoli bocconi" sachet, which is quite convenient, given that it costs 0.27 cents per sachet for 100 g. of product. The only drawback is that this type of wet food (although with various flavours) is not liked by all cats, so you should identify your cat's favorite flavour. A brand of natural cat food, without additives and preservatives, is Pappadrin . You can find it for sale on the company website. Pappadrin is a company specialized in the production of food for cats and dogs, providing a wide range of both dry and wet foods, all designed and prepared by veterinarians and industry experts. For cats, you will find the various types of food divided into categories: "Cat Light" (it is the most suitable food for elderly and less active cats); "Cat Adult" (for adult and energetic cats); "Cat kitten" (for growing cats and pregnant cats). Another brand of natural feed, without preservatives, is "Almanature". Whoever let their cat try them is satisfied. At pet retailers you will find other brands, such as "Royal Canin". A piece of advice: don't rely on a brand just because it's advertised, rather pay attention to the composition of the products, so that the cat's daily needs are guaranteed. It doesn't mean that the best brands are the most expensive ones. Also be careful not to overdo it with daily food rations, many cats are at risk of obesity.

Some sites about cats

Browsing the web, I found some sites specializing in cats or pets. I'll point out some of them, because I think they can be useful if you intend to raise a kitten, or if you already have one and want to know more. An interesting site is Nutripet . It is a portal that sells articles for the nutrition and health of pets. There are various categories, including the one dedicated to cat food. Here you will find healthy and natural food products. Products on offer are periodically reported, so it is worth taking advantage of them. Among the brands present, there is "Almo Nature Bio". The products can be shipped throughout Italy. If you want to learn more about the cat's habits and character, there is a site entirely dedicated to him: Micimiao . Here you can find out how to behave during weaning of the little ones, which diet is best suited for an elderly cat, how to treat any pathologies, such as obesity for example. Remember that the cat is very tied to the place where it lives and its habits, so read carefully how to behave if you don't want it to have traumas. If you want to feed your four-legged friend in a natural way, don't hesitate to visit the Animals Club website. Here you will find food for your cat of all types: organic, natural and holistic. Also on this site you can easily purchase the products, which will be delivered directly to your home. A portal for those who want to know everything, absolutely everything about the world of cats is Gatto Amico . You will find articles on the most disparate topics relating to cats. There is never too much information and advice, given that the cat is a somewhat particular animal, and raising it is not that easy. For some the approach with the cat is easier than with the dog, for others exactly the opposite. You know that your preference for cats or dogs says a lot about your personality.

Published: 2010-04-03From: Redazione

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